Have you experienced the following symptoms, such as dry eyes, frequent blinking, red and itchy eyes, pain, sensitivity to light and fear of wind? These could mean you have DED (Dry Eye Disease) !
1. Harm of technological electronic products
Excessive use of technology and electronic products will cause our eyes to blink less fully and less frequently, which leads to greater tear evaporation and increased risk of dry eye symptoms.
Dry eyes disease does not distinguish between men and women of all ages. It can occur at any age.
2. Stay in room air-conditioning frequently
People who work in indoor environments are more likely to suffer as air conditioning, ceiling fans and forced air heating systems all can decrease indoor humidity and/or hasten tear evaporation, causing dry eye symptoms. Severe dry eyes can cause inflammation of the eyes, damage the cornea, and impair vision.
3. Contact lens wear
Contact lenses need to be close to the surface of the eyeball when worn, and the liquid on the surface of the eyeball is easy to volatilize. If there are no tears and other secreted liquids to moisturize, it will cause dry eyes, pain and so on. Wearing contact lenses is one of the important factors that induce dry eyes. Therefore, it is recommended to choose good quality daily disposable contact lenses in daily life and take them off in time when sleeping.
4. Excessive tearing
Prevention is better than cure, and there are various ways to improve and prevent dry eyes. As people now rely heavily on mobile phones, staying up late, and an unbalanced diet will cause dry eyes, then we must improve from here to achieve the preventive effect. Consume nature and evenly nutritious diets to supplement the nutrients needed to regulate the body and eyes. You can take in more vitamin A in your daily diet. Eating more fruits and vegetables can also help improve the symptoms of dry eyes.
When the basal tear secretion is low, dry cornea conjunctiva and cause dryness, burning sensation in the eyes, these symptoms will also stimulate the lacrimal glands to reflexly secrete a large amount of tears in a short time, which exceeds the load of the lacrimal drainage system, causing paroxysmal tears.
Stop phubbing, hanging out for more exercise, and give yourself time to relax your eyes when you work so that it can rest well. Use your eyes for 20 minutes, rest for 20 minutes, and look at things from 20 feet away to relax your eyes. Dry eye is not a serious illness, and there is still a chance of treatment. It is recommended to ask an optometrist or ophthalmologist, and use artificial tears correctly under the guidance of the optometrist or doctor to fight infection and lubricate other ingredients to keep the eyes moist
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