Not sure if you have this question in mind, what’s actually inside our smartphone, tablet or computer which causes our eyes to get tired and dry?

It all boils down to blue light, and electronic products are one of the sources that emit harmful blue light. Blue light has always been there all this while. It helps us to distinguish the blue pigment, so that we can see the blue colour. It can also stop the release of melatonin (hormone) so that we can stay awake. But with excessive use of electronic products like smartphones, tablets and computers, there is just too much blue light absorbed and this is really bad to our eyes.

In medical terms, we call this Digital Eye Strain. Symptoms include eye fatigue, headache, dry eyes, blurred vision, etc.

So, knowing all these, what should we do? Stop using smartphones, tablets, and computers forever? Of course not! Our lives are too closely tied to electronic products. During this MCO period, doing that is even more impossible, right?

So here’s our suggestions
☑️ Get enough sleep. Sleep is one of the most important things to do. Avoid using your phone before going to bed
☑️ Get yourself hydrated at all times. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every single day
☑️ Take note of your diet. Take more Lutein, Zeaxanthin rich foods such as spinach, cabbage, mustard, pumpkin, peas, broccoli, corn, bell peppers and etc. Omega-3 rich foods such as salmon, tuna, mackerel etc. should be taken too
☑️ Follow the “20-20-20” rule. Every 20 minutes, look at an object at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds
☑️ Adjust the device’s screen brightness. Try to enlarge the letters, adjust the brightness of the screen, and avoid getting too close to the device’s screen.
☑️ Blink more. Blinking can refresh your eyes by moistening them and prevent them from dying out.
☑️ Make sure the lights are bright enough. The screen brightness of electronic devices should not be brighter than the surrounding environment.

Hope the sharing above is helpful to you. Do remember, like other parts of our body, our eyes need rest and care! Don’t take it for granted.

During this MCO, staying at home may be boring, but don’t play games online, watch TV shows, watch YouTube excessively on a daily basis, okay?