Early Detection, Early Prevention, Early Diagnosis, Early Treatment!
Do you agree with this statement above? If you do, let me ask you this, when was your last eye
By InfinityOptometrist|2020-05-15T14:17:46+08:00May 15th, 2020|Promotion|
Do you agree with this statement above? If you do, let me ask you this, when was your last eye
By InfinityOptometrist|2020-05-03T12:43:51+08:00May 3rd, 2020|Promotion|
In general, I believe everyone should have heard that improper sitting posture causes stiff bones and lower back pain, but
By InfinityOptometrist|2020-04-29T15:20:54+08:00April 29th, 2020|Promotion|
Not sure if you have this question in mind, what’s actually inside our smartphone, tablet or computer which causes our
By InfinityOptometrist|2020-04-29T15:23:52+08:00April 16th, 2020|Promotion|
If you have been paying attention, all major newspapers, TV news, and major press websites said that Covid-19 virus invades
By InfinityOptometrist|2020-04-29T15:21:55+08:00April 16th, 2020|Promotion|
Generally, most people will have this concept that myopia (nearsightedness) is usually caused by us spending too much time reading
By InfinityOptometrist|2020-04-29T15:23:39+08:00December 7th, 2019|Promotion|
Device is use to check power of the eye When test your eye power. Are you looking for best
By InfinityOptometrist|2019-11-26T12:49:31+08:00November 26th, 2019|Promotion|
When we go to optical shop or eye clinic for eye test, the optometrist or the ophthalmologist will first test
By InfinityOptometrist|2019-11-26T12:50:11+08:00November 14th, 2019|Promotion|
Most of the autorefractor (machine that measure the power of the eye) has some deviation. The eye itself has a