If you see tiny dark floating dots, or spider web in your vision, please be alert!
It might be something dangerous happen behind your eye.
These tiny particles are call “Floater”. Most floater are caused by age-related changes. For severe cases, it may associate with eye diseases such as uveitis (inflammation in the eye), bleeding in the eye or retinal disease. Generally, floaters are subdivided into two categories: physiological floaters and pathological floaters.
Physiological floaters are related to the degeneration of the vitreous. As we grow older, vitreous humour starts to liquefy and form tiny particle inside the eye. This tiny particle cast shadows on the retina which form floaters. Commonly, if the floaters are not affecting our daily activities, we would just need to self-monitor.
For Pathological floaters, it is slightly more dangerous. If it is due to inflammation, it can cause severe vitreous turbidity and huge impact on vision. Other pathological floaters include retinal degeneration, retinal tear, bleeding etc.
Therefore, if you see floater floating in your eye, do make appointment to see an optometrist or eye doctor.
Please do not hesitate to call us at +6018 -2487168 or leave us a message !